No Pets Allowed! …Except Service Animals

The allowance of Dogs and other pets in condominiums are becoming even more complicated as the growth of “comfort pets” expands. Even as condos and co-ops around the Northeast have loosened pet restrictions to increase marketability, not all New Jersey buildings and HOAs have jumped on the bandwagon. Co-ops, most of which do not have […]
Underfunded Reserves – The Dangers of Running Short
We recently read a fantastic article in The Cooperator written by A.J. Sidransky on the importance of keeping adequate reserve accounts for unexpected, as well as planned for replacements and repairs. There are a lot of great points that would benefit our clients and we wanted to share the information! Underfunded Reserves: The Dangers of […]
5 Ways to Prevent Frozen (and Bursting) Pipes
Have you taken the steps needed to keep pipes in your home from freezing in cold winter weather? When pipes freeze, the extra pressure within the pipes can cause them to burst, leading to water damage in the home. Here are a few simple ways you can keep your pipes warm and your home dry, […]
The Importance of a Written Investment Policy
Wilkin and Guttenplan is one of the preeminent accounting and consulting firms in the industry and we wanted to post one of their very informative blogs on our site. Boards and the Importance of a Written Investment Policy Statement By Maria Maurucio, CPA It is no secret that CIRAs commonly operate using separate “funds” to […]
Hurricane Season – Rain, Rain, Go Away!!
Picking the right property management company is like picking a partner. There is never a more important time to have your partner by your side then in an emergency. We at Klein Property Management pride our selves on always being be available for any emergency event. Please call us at (732) 446-0611 to discuss your […]
When Can Condo and Co-op Boards Fine the Owners and Shareholders?
What authority is given to boards of condominiums and cooperative corporations to impose and enforce fines respectively on condo unit owners and cooperative shareholder-tenants who violate building house rules. Boards of condominiums and cooperative corporations have almost unlimited powers over their buildings’ operations and the manner in which condominium unit owners and cooperative shareholders may […]
Splash News – New Pool Rules
Jonathan Katz Esq., from our friends at Hill Wallack LLP, sent us the updated new operational pool requirements. If we at Klein Property Management can help you with any of your property management needs, please give us a call at 732 446-0611. Without much publicity or fanfare, new rules and regulations updating the New Jersey […]
Spring Cleanup!
Spring cleaning isn’t just for unit owners. As we move out of the winter months, now is a great time to make sure the community is “spic and span”. Take a Walk. March is a great time to schedule landscape walks and maintenance walks with your vendors. Look at what kind of landscape needs you […]
What is an Ice Dam?
With the crazy cold weather of 2017 and 2018, a lot more homes are experiencing Ice Damming which has caused leaks in homes where leaks never occurred before. This article is from This Old House. Who doesn’t love those guys? Please give us a call if we can help you with any of your residential […]
Falls and Other Hazards to Workers Removing Snow from Rooftops and Other Elevated Surfaces
Every year, workers are killed or seriously injured while performing snow or ice removal from rooftops and other building structures, such as decks. OSHA has investigated 16 such serious injuries or fatalities in the past 10 years – all of which could have been prevented. Snow removal is performed for a number of reasons, […]